Honokowai Valley

Honokōwai holds deep historical significance. In 1999, archaeological studies uncovered remnants of an extensive village hidden beneath thick vegetation—homes, agricultural terraces, trails, and sacred sites that once supported a thriving community of around 600 families. Evidence suggests that this settlement flourished for generations, sustained by the valley’s rich resources.

By the early 20th century, the rise of sugar plantations drastically altered the landscape. Water from the stream was diverted for cultivation, making it impossible for residents to maintain their way of life. With no fresh water, the village was gradually abandoned.

Recognizing the cultural importance of Honokōwai, Ed Lindsey established Maui Cultural Lands in 2002, prioritizing its restoration. As one of the most archaeologically rich sites in the region, it became a focal point for preservation efforts.

Honokowai Valley Workday | Every Saturday @ 9:00 AM